Superbleeper is a system of wooden blocks that map music concepts to tangible tokens. These blocks have been designed to visualize the math behind music. The system is shaped by the relationships between concepts like patterns, shapes, measurement, set and number sense.
Children interact with tangibles in order to create rhythms using math concepts. They get tactile visual and aural feedback.

Width represents duration of sound. A quarter, half and whole notes.
For example, the width of the blocks represents the duration of the whole, half and quarter note.
The height of each block represents one music tone. So stacking blocks, children define notes with different duration and pitches.

Height represents the pitch of the note. Every block piled, adds a tone. An E (quarter), G (half) and D (whole) notes
In this picture we can see an E quarter note, a G half note (Superbleeper uses pentatonic scales) and a D whole note.

Shapes, represent the waveform of the sound synthesized. Ramp, sine and square waveshapes
The shapes represent the waveforms of the sounds that would be played. They can be sine, ramp and square waveshapes.
The colors are mapped to different musical scales. They define the starting note around which the scale is created (C1, C2, C3, etc.)
These notes can be placed on the sides of the Superbleeper sequencer box in order to listen to the sound created. The sequencer cube admits one block on each side, so 4 steps rhythms/sequences can be created with different notes and different durations. Visual light feedback is provided to make clear the connection between the sound, the block and the math that describes it.
Light feedback animation
Light feedback animation 2
Light feedback animation 3
Light feedback animation 4
The picture above shows the Superbleeper sequencer box with one wooden block representing a whole E note with a sine waveshape. Lights show the duration, height and scale of the block. The sound that is synthesized and played corresponds to the tone defined by the wooden blocks.